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Actor Spotlight: Heidi Winters Vogel, "This Too Comes By Hard" as Mother

​Unreal City Theatre is extremely lucky to have Heidi Winters Vogel with our cast. Heidi Winters Vogel is a theater faculty at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA teaching acting, directing and socially-engaged theater.  She is co-founder of Inside Out Playback Theatre, doing improvisational storytelling and performing with migrant laborers, abuse survivors, the formerly incarcerated, and communities of all kinds.  Heidi received her BA in theatre from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in directing from Penn State University. She has performed and directed all over the country but never at the DC Fringe Festival!  She wants to say many thanks to Scott and Unreal City for this opportunity to work on this exciting new script. Heidi Winters Vogel as Mother UCT: Tell us about your journey as a theater maker. HEIDI: I have been doing theater for 30 years and I am never bored or tempted by another career.  My journey goes on as I discover new an...

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